Stella Maris Photography

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Celebrating Life - 2017 BBQ

A few years ago I was first introduced to the lovely powers of doTERRA essential oils. I don't talk much about it here on my photography blog but we heavily use these amazing EOs in our home daily! My amazing leader Victoria enrolled me a few years ago and slowly but surely I started sharing when I saw what a difference these made. The great thing about EO is that when you start it can be overwhelming, but behind the scenes there is a LARGE community that supports learning and growing. We all have different daily walks and careers outside of oil and it has been my honor to work with Korina (Celebrating Life) with her Birth Doula work and my Birth Photography.

Last spring Korina reached out to me and asked if I was available to document the first Celebrating Life Oil Tribe Picnic that she and her hubby were hosting. I was honored to spend the day meeting team members and other EO lovers who I would not normally hang out with.

The afternoon was filled with lots of laughter, music, dancing, food, prizes, face painting and fire juggling - and coffee!